


oweee means no means no

oh to be jung agin

oh to be jung agin
angus an bon oh so very young

why sarge only eats at thar taqueria

why sarge only eats at thar taqueria

sierras south west of durango

sierras south west of durango
largest opium and marijauna growing aera in mexico

enchiladas de gaujillo y Ibarra mole

enchiladas de gaujillo y Ibarra mole

sarge and the messycan army boys

sarge  and the messycan army boys
sarge prefers argentine FAL to messycan G3

browning 1919

browning 1919
zombie cannibal killa





gabriel sarge luvs yooo get well quik

gabriel sarge luvs yooo get well quik



Thursday, March 15, 2007

sarge goes fer a ride

sarge here godamn it


fascist stampede said...

fascist stampede here. goddam, sarge fascist stampede was watching the boob tube last night around 11 o'clock EST, and he saw something that made him want to puke. goddam, fascist stampede was watching the so-called [adult swim] and these sons a bitches are trying to steal spw's catchphrase -- that is, 'beatings are a comin'. if sarge is unfamiliar with the so named [adult swim] allow fascist stampede to catch him up on it...[adult swim] is basically a syndicated block of animated shows that have been deemed no longer fit to grace the airwaves of network television. they basically took a couple of shows from fox (namely, Futurama and Family Guy)and put a couple of their 'original' shows around them to fill in the gaps...don't get fascist stampede wrong, some of their so called original series are pretty funny; Sealab, Aqua Teen, and Squidbillies... but, by and large these original series suck... and suck hard. now, [adult swim] has what they call 'bumps' between their shows which is basically a place for them to post viewer e-mails and then make fun of the viewer who sent in the e-mail. last night, they were replying to one of their viewer e-mails in their usual crass, sarcastic manner and they said 'if not, beatings are a comin' in response to one of the viewer's questions. fascist stampede thinks that maybe spw has legions of secret fans out there, and [adult swim] is part of spw's fan base. if the [adult swim] had said "in the words of the state pen warder, 'beatings are a comin'", fascist stampede would have had no problem with them using the line. but [adult swim] did not give credit where credit was due, and thus fascist stampede would like to wage war on [adult swim] on behalf of the much heralded spw. fascist stampede is about to finish up law school and would gladly try to help the warder stake his claim for damages and defamation due to the [adult swim] ripping his catch phrase. fascist stampede over and out.

PS- where's sarge goin on this so called ride? fascist stampede hopes sarge is heading to Atlanta to snuff out the demon hillbilly chickmunk so named mike what runs the steakandcheese website. wherever sarge is headed, fascist stampede wishes the sarge godpseed.

sarge said...

sarge here sarge is back sarge had him a good ride in mexico sarge loves them carnitas sarge loves them empty curving roads of el espinoza el diabla tires meltin at 9k feet little crosses and shrines flashin buy where others where not lucky plunged to their deaths mexico a hard place but a beuatiful place sarge misses the food sarge dont think the demon rodent would live long south of the border the dystenteria alone killin his pasty whit ass in 2 days at least old chipmunk can buy his vicodins and phych meds over the counter at la farmacia but would only soften the death blow

fascist stampede said...

fascist stampede here. is sarge back from 'es ride? looks like the sarge had fun.. especially with the dead cow. did the misfits what were watching the sarge's house sell the sarge's toilet for beer money while the sarge was gone?

sarge said...

sarge is back from sarges ride ready fer the battle the demise of the chipmunkfaced cocksucker what is mike of snc fame sarge wonders if ya can call it fame or just one of them embarrasing public displays of hillbillyism sarge thinks that old mike boy should snuff it godamn it be a man get drunk on pbr and cough syrup have a good cry then ol mike dont fail when ya kiss the barrel of that sawed off topper 410 sarge knows ya got stashed under yer saggy pee soaked matress its ok mikey the only way to fix yer mystakes is with a clean sweep the world starts over without ya its the clean way out mikey like ya never got caught wackin it by yer funny step dad show them what hurt ya show em good mikey remember when when you wuz 5 yer mom slapped ya around when she wuz drunk pay her back mickey snuff it on her front porch when old mom gets home with the dude she picked up at the bowlin ally the one that aint even hold a candle to yer real dad well mickey leave em something to remember somethin real special.

anyway old sarge is gettin off the subject but sarge wonders if the state pen warder has plans to be a permenent resident of thailand or will warder be coming to the states for participation in the final solution to the problem of pasty yet disheveled stinkin manic depressive rodents

state pen warder said...

the state pen warder here, very good sarge like the state pen warder was telling fascist stampede our sites are getting better and better.

fascist stampede said...

fascist stampede here. fascist stampede agrees 100% sarge. this is it. an example must be made of this demon cocksucker. fascist stampede also wouldn't mind taking down the fucking network heads up at NBC fucking irresponsible ridiculous bullshit. post a fucking mass murderer's self-glorifying last harrah all over the fucking web re-victimizing the poor victims and the victims' families all over again. while fascist stampede is on the topic, fascist stampede would also like to cut off Nancy Grace's balls and stuff them down his/her/its nasally fucking throat. fascist stampede is so infuriated right now he can't even explain it with words. fascist stampede is going to go smoke a bowl of the chronic and celebrate 4/20 the way it oughtta be celebrated.. rather than remembering columbine, and mcveigh, and hitler. Goddam sometimes mary jane is the only thing in fascist stampede's life that makes sense. I know you're an ex-sarge and warder is an ex-warder so neither one of you boys likely take part in the reefer smoking, so fascist stampede will smoke enough for all 3 of us. fascist stampede's hearts go out to everyone involved in all this bullshit, and fascist stampede will seek vengeance for them in the form of retalliation against the media. goddam parents of dead students flip on the tele or go online and all they can see is pictures of their child's murderer holding guns and making incoherent threats. there's a special place in hell for people like that fucking demented slope. fascist stampede sure hopes he sees that evil bastard when fascist stampede's time on earth is up and fascist stampede is banished to hades. fascist stampede's nerves are at their end. it is time to make an example of this demon hillbilly mass-murderer-glorifying cocksucker mike. "the man in the black pajamas dude...worthy fucking adversary." fascist stampede is going to avenge the deaths of those at VT. fascist stampede knows that violence is not always an acceptable answer but sometimes, you just have to fight fire with fire.

fascist stampede said...

fascist stampede here. fascist stampede just wanted to make clear that his previous post is hypothetical. fascist stampede doesn't need the damn feds banging down his door due to some overly-paranoid bullshit like what they're locking down all these schools and shit for right now. fascist stampede is no copycatter, and while fascist stampede would love to have 5 mins alone with nancy grace and the NBC execs., fascist stampede knows that they are merely puppets in this entire process. fascist stampede is still beside himself about all the media coverage this is getting, but fascist stampede is only one man...and fascist stampede knows he can't stop NBC or nancy grace, but fascist stampede also knows that he CAN stop the demon mike, with the help of the sarge and the warder. free speech only goes so far man...fascist stampede thinks it's high time is taken off the interweb, and the hillbilly mike sent packing into oblivion never to be heard from again. but remember like fascist stampede said, this is all hypothetical. this is in no way a direct threat to the demon or his webiste...fascist stampede REALLY doesn't want to see the demon mike floating face down in Lake Lanier after choking on his vomit and excess penis pills with post mortum stab wounds and mutilation what can only be described as a torturous death. can you feel it? can you hear it? fascist stampede is going to atlanta :)

sarge said...

sarge here fuckin aye stampede all sarge can say is goddamn right today snc tomorow the hypotheitcal world