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Saturday, March 10, 2007

model 870

1 comment:

fascist stampede said...

fascist stampede here. sarge why in gods name did you come to the blog spot to fight the war on the demon chickmunk? perhaps the demon is none too clever, but fascist thinks that maybe this will signify a retreat on the part of warder, sarge, and fascist stampede in the eyes of the demon. if you're reading this blog you demon cocksucker, let it be known that this is no retreat, rather a re-grouping of the most notorious posters on your shitty site so named steakandcheese. sarge, you are right about the rem 870..not the ones with the syn black or camo stock, those are for niggers and rednecks. the wood is the only way to go. fascist always shot winchester until fascist's grandfather died back june of 1990. fascist's grandfather was a lifetime member of the NRA (fascist stampede still receives his grandfather's mnthly subscription to NRA magazine) so fascist's grandfather had lots of guns, and left most of them to fascist stampede. along with some very nice remington bolt action rifles, nazi paraphenilia from ww2 (even a beautiful luger with the swastica stamped in the butt of the gun), fascist's grandfather left him 2 rem. 870 wingmasters -- one 20 ga. and one 12. after bird huntin with that rem 870 wingmaster 20 ga., fascist will never use anything else. fuck a semi-auto shotgun, too much jamming and too much cleaning. just give fascist a rem pump with the plug out and some sabots or 00 buckshot and fascist stampede can take over a whole city. Let's go get this fucking demon, boys!