


oweee means no means no

oh to be jung agin

oh to be jung agin
angus an bon oh so very young

why sarge only eats at thar taqueria

why sarge only eats at thar taqueria

sierras south west of durango

sierras south west of durango
largest opium and marijauna growing aera in mexico

enchiladas de gaujillo y Ibarra mole

enchiladas de gaujillo y Ibarra mole

sarge and the messycan army boys

sarge  and the messycan army boys
sarge prefers argentine FAL to messycan G3

browning 1919

browning 1919
zombie cannibal killa





gabriel sarge luvs yooo get well quik

gabriel sarge luvs yooo get well quik



Wednesday, September 9, 2009

sarge here it is time fer sarges annual ride to th western us of a sarge will henceforth ride sarges all american sporty to sandiego via arkansas and texas an arizona among other locals then up to seattle via hwy 1 among other roads then back agin via hells canyon, lolo beartooth and bighorn mountin sarge is somewhat down as sarge now hears that angles crest hwy is closed d/t fire burnin the pavement and gaurdrails sarge has been waiting for years to ride angles crest in its totality this sucks sarge wants to know who started this here fire sarge will strip the flesh from this boys bones sarge wiill hurt this boy when he is caught and pour salt in the wounds the n sarge will pull this boys teeth out one by one with sarges safety wire plyers before wiring this boys neck so it dont come loose do ya hear me boy?