


oweee means no means no

oh to be jung agin

oh to be jung agin
angus an bon oh so very young

why sarge only eats at thar taqueria

why sarge only eats at thar taqueria

sierras south west of durango

sierras south west of durango
largest opium and marijauna growing aera in mexico

enchiladas de gaujillo y Ibarra mole

enchiladas de gaujillo y Ibarra mole

sarge and the messycan army boys

sarge  and the messycan army boys
sarge prefers argentine FAL to messycan G3

browning 1919

browning 1919
zombie cannibal killa





gabriel sarge luvs yooo get well quik

gabriel sarge luvs yooo get well quik



Sunday, April 3, 2011

sarge here the subjekt is tac-os and sarge will say the best tac-os come from taquieria guadaljara on park street taqueria pastor on park street an now los jarichos just souf of madison on US 51 and who has best tomales ever an sarge has had a whole hell of a lot of tomales so the sarge knows tamales like no other these is better then them yar buys from old messican grannies o n the streets of durango even


Unknown said...

Hey Sarge, Chaos here and back at ya. You can buy all the wisco tacos you want boy but you ain't gona get it like ya got it in the 'Loa. What the fuck you doing in the great white north anyway, your syphilitic drunkard ?

Chancres away my squidly friend...

sarge said...

bhahaha chaos best line ever?:

"You would use NO toilet paper if you'd just go ahead and suicide; you worthless clusterfuck."

Hube said...

Hey Sarge, Totally unrelated, I wanted to invite you by my "newly re-opened" blog spot to pick your brain on the issue of "ports". You know, the apparatus ya'll often stick into people on chemo to make it easier to pump the poison in every 3 weeks like they will be doing for me for the next 24 weeks or so?

I think I'm now satisfied with the design results of my "Advanced Prostate Cancer Diary/Journal" blog that I may actually try to use it for something on-topic occasionally going forward. I'm planning on going back to that later today after some shut eye!

Spiffy pix dude!!! I eggsspecially like the looks of both the chromed Bimmer twin (is it an R/75?)and it's pilot! Wow....if I had me any of those testosteronies all the "real men" are always lusting after I could even envision myself getting a wee bit, um, "stimulated" by the sight???? My first in the form of a Bimmer twin (just looked, never bought) was a dark blue and chrome R/65 and of course I absolutely frikkin *adored* the old smoked-out paint scheme R90/S sport fairing equipped ones, remember those? Choice of either brown or black if memory serves!

Anyway, please check out my blog at:
If you are so inclined concerning any opinions on ports. BTW, the invitation is extended to everyone on V2 as well! Room to grow, feeling kind of warm and fuzzy over it at the moment!

Anyway, the gals in the lab missed the veins, lower and upper 4 times on Wednesday and I have *always* been told what beautiful nice big easy to hit veins I have but I am WAAAAAYYYY nervous about sticking some tube shit in there and just leaving it for 3 weeks, ya know?
FWIW, the drug in question is 285ml Taxotere IV along with 10mg Prednisone every 24 hours orally along with a couple of other things one of which was a shot to help boost my white blood count. As always, I value your knowledge, all bullshitting aside!

Thanks Bro!!!

sarge said...

hube yer dead now weird huh?